You can make a difference here
Campus Greensboro helps college students build career experience, connect with local businesses, and envision a future in Guilford County.
Through our Fellows Program and exciting year-round events, we open doors to internships, mentorship, and career opportunities—giving students tools to shape their future and make an impact in the community.

Meet the team
Our History
Shaping Futures, Building Our Community
In 2016, Action Greensboro, alongside local business leaders and higher education partners, launched the Fellows Program to bridge the gap between students and the local workplace.
Since then, Campus Greensboro has empowered over 800 Fellows with industry-driven professional development, connecting students to skill-building experiences year-round.
Today, our alumni are thriving, leading, and making a difference right here in Guilford County—proof that investing in talent fuels the future.

About Action Greensboro
Action Greensboro serves as a national model for city-based collaborative philanthropic investment in the U.S. Action Greensboro is comprised of eight local charitable foundations that work collaboratively with the Chamber of Commerce, as the city’s primary economic and community development group. We are a catalyst for public-private partnerships and serve as an intersection of government, education, nonprofit sector, entrepreneurial community, arts & culture and young professionals. Through our programs, we align the needs of employers and coordinate existing education and workforce development initiatives to attract, connect and develop the next generation of workforce. We uphold and share a bold vision for advancing the community to meet the demands of the 21st century, while driving the demands of this vision with quick action, determination, high energy and nimbleness. Our staff has diverse skill sets including public policy, strategic communications, nonprofit management, business, transportation, urban planning and higher education.