Featured Fellow: Britney Barber

We are excited to introduce today’s Featured Fellow, Britney Barber!

BBritney Barber 3ritney Barber is originally from Jersey City, NJ. She is interning at Carolina Bank this summer, which will be a great experience for her as a rising junior at UNCG. Britney is studying business management with a minor in information technology, and she has an interest in wealth management.

Britney shares about her Fellows Program experience and insight into her internship: As a Retail Banking Intern with Carolina Bank, I have the opportunity to see the details of a bank and the banking system firsthand. I also have the opportunity to rotate throughout the company, which will help me determine what my future profession may be/entail.

As for the overall Fellows Program, the time has truly flown by. I can’t believe it has been about six weeks since the first time I met my peers, my Fellows, and now my friends. Over the past few weeks there has been a number of events and helpful workshops that have made the internship experience one I’ll never forget. The Summer Fellows Program is a great initiative in not only providing relevant industry experience, but also a method to keeping students here in Greensboro. Prior to this experience, residing in Greensboro was never an option for me, but with the help of Beth Mannella and my mentor Karen Dyer, I now look at Greensboro as a place I could one day call home.

Often times, students in a relatively “small” town such as Greensboro tend to stick to the “norm.” By norm, I mean the traditional campus activities and college parties. Students, in Greensboro especially, don’t take advantage of the many things this “not so small” college town has to offer. In a matter of six weeks I have tried new restaurants, discovered countless free activities, and have had the opportunity to network with professionals in ways I may not have been able to before. I greatly appreciate the resources the Summer Fellows Program has afforded me thus far and look forward to keeping in contact with everyone I have been able to meet.