
Featured Fellow: Allie Stone

Our Featured Fellow today is Allie Stone!

Allie Stone is a rising senior at Elon University. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, Allie is majoring in Statistics with a minors in Economics, Applied Mathematics, Public Health Studies, and Information Science. This summer, Allie will join Stearns Financial Group working in an Investment Efficiency & Effectiveness Study Internship. Allie’s favorite things about Greensboro include the local farmer’s markets and restaurants.

Allie describes her experience at Stearns Financial Group: A.Stone

Working at Stearns Financial Group (SFG) as their Investment Efficiency and Effectiveness Study intern has been a very beneficial learning experience.  Before working at SFG, I knew a few statistical packages, but since I started my internship, I have become more comfortable with programming and data manipulation as well as learning SQL.  I have been working on developing software tools using SQL that link research sources and provide evaluations for their portfolio managers and financial analysts.  I have also learned beneficial information about what Stearns Financial does and how they provide their services.