
Featured Fellow: Sheridan Moser

Please meet today’s Featured Fellow, Sheridan Moser!

Sheridan Moser is a rising senior at Guilford College studying Business Administration with a minor in Accounting. Sheridan would love to work for a large, global apparel company, and is interning with VF Corporation this summer as the Product Sustainability intern. Sheridan exclaims that Greensboro is so much more than meets the eye and loves that it is full of hidden gems!

Sheridan shares about her internship at VF:

When I first applied for this internship, I had no ideSheridan Moser 2a what VF or product sustainability were; thus, straight from the get go I was thrown into a whole new world of information and I loved every second of it! Throughout my internship with VF, I’ve learned about all of the materials used in the fashion world, consumer insights on sustainability, and how to design an engaging website full of content. All of this is great, but the truly valuable lessons I have learned at VF focus less on technical skills and more on broad ideals. It’s so easy to think that  you can succeed in a work place just because you know information or know how to do something. The real value, however, comes from the ability to work as a team, the ability to think outside of the box, and the ability to keep a positive attitude despite what the situation is.

This internship has helped me grow as a student, as a business woman, and as a person. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with such amazing people through the Fellows Program and I am excited to continue my internship through the fall!